
“A heartfelt thanks for the extra work” | Justin & Tinny – Agios Dimitrios, Crete


The way we met was pure coincidence. We were looking for a house, we were sure of that by now. Turkey was already excluded. Nothing wrong with Turkey, also a beautiful country, but… Our heart beats faster when we are on Greek soil and yet it does not go crazy but it brings the much needed peace to our body and soul.

While searching the fair, we ran into Elxis and the director of the Cretan construction company who was their guest. His contribution was of particular interest to us with regard to the strange questions we had. Are they also building with cement? Is there sufficient reinforcement? How is the quality of the materials used? How is the view? Are we not in a concentration of holidaymakers? Is Greek spoken around us or do we hear all kinds of languages apart from Greek?

And then to you, Elxis: What about the tax authorities? What about the inheritance? (What a lot of fuss is made about, anyway) and so on. Even after our second interview, I still managed to write down a whole A4 of questions. I sent them well in advance so that I could expect an answer. And yes, not a single question remained unanswered. Where possible, suggestions were even made for a different approach.

Vangelis, I know I spent a lot of time with you on the phone. Never was it too long for you, if necessary we made a new call. And now, when everything is ready, I am very grateful that it all worked out this way.

I was sometimes worried about an appointment with the lawyer or the notary. Not once did I travel to Crete in vain. Even the pre-booked accommodation was right on target: in the centre, not too expensive and with all mod cons.

The paperwork involved in buying a house was read out in Crete by your lawyer. In English, of course. We didn’t feel any pain, despite our poor English: before our departure you had already gone through the whole text orally with us in Dutch. With my poor English, I was able to follow the whole story.

In short, I would like to thank you very much for all your work and dedication, of course for those things that simply have to be done professionally, but especially a heartfelt thanks for the extra work that was not directly in your path, but which you nevertheless did and arranged for us.

Your dedication and working method have ensured that the purchase of our house in Crete has not become a nightmare (as you so often hear) but a blissful dream that has become reality. I can and will recommend your method and effort to everyone!

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