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Dieuwertje de Beer | Senior Real Estate Consultant

Senior Real Estate Consultant & Sales Team Coordinator

Dieuwertje (Dee) de Beer

Dieuwertje is a Senior Real Estate Consultant and the Sales Team Coordinator at Elxis.

She has studied International Hospitality & Facility Management in Leeuwarden, Netherlands and has pursued an MSc in Anthropology from the University of Utrecht. She also holds a certificate in Developmental Psychology focusing on the “nature vs. nurture” dilemma.

A native Dutch speaker and a passionate professional, she has a long career in customer service, operations, and project management in multiple institutions in the Hospitality and Real Estate field.

At Elxis, Dee is the heart of the Sales team focusing on team leadership and coordination, problem solving, process improvement and building strong relationships with national and international clients. Her expertise is on preserving the interests of the clients and maintaining the quality of the Elxis brand. She is also highly skilled in online marketing initiatives and providing expert advice on all issues related to Sales.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and playing the piano, and looking forward to her to new Elxis adventures. Forward is the only way she likes to look, since back is not where she is going.

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