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Dimitra Soubry | Real Estate Consultant

Real Estate Consultant

Dimitra Soubry

As a Greek and Belgian national and with a deep knowledge of Greek and Dutch, Dimitra has gained valuable experience in the legal translation field before joining Elxis. She loves to put her analytical mindset and creative spirit into her work and everyday life. She has studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and continued with a Master’s Degree in European Studies on International Services and Transactions. Dimitra understands the importance of efficient communication between different cultures and people, being a part of multicultural communities from a young age. She speaks Greek, Dutch, English, German and French.

Out of hours, she likes to spend her time outdoors running and hiking in the mountains, but also enjoys finding her peace at home reading a book. Her motto in life: “Learning never exhausts the mind.”

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